The Cards That Are Dealt
Nathan Peel
"There is no mercy in this club."
Fifteen-year-old Marshal Álvarez seeks the antidote to his problems from a highly-organized, secret gambling club within his high school. Here, students take part in poker games, sports betting, and other forms of gambling.
Despite coming from a low-income family living in a slummy apartment, Marshall attends a high school in a rich neighborhood. He feels out of place and is desperate for change in his social life. Trevor and his best friend Josh, as well as other classmates, are set on treating Marshall as inferior. Along with that, Marshal finds out his grandmother has cancer, but his family doesn’t have enough money to pay for the treatment. Marshall struggles to come up with ways to help make the needed $10,000 until he comes across a mysterious gambling club within his high school. He must push past Trevor’s bullying, his alcoholic mom, and feeling depressed. Otherwise, he will fail to save his grandma and fail to prove himself.
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- A Chicken in the Fox Den
- Through the Fox Den
- South Zone Road
- One Shot
- Rejection
- Eight of Clubs
- Motivate Times and Poem Rhymes
- Rules of the Game
- Overwhelmed
- Shuffling the Deck
- Rocks and Secrets
- The Mentorship
- The First Payout
- To Lose Thyself
- Taking Off the Hood
- A Boy of His Word
- Shade Under Sunlight
- Venganza
- Where to Sit
- Influence
- Pandora or Eve?
- Benedict Arnold
- The Gamble
- Blue Car
- Dissolution
- The Attack
- Her Keys